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A Korean Movie Review: GCG Asia’s film “Scam Malaysia”

A Movie Review: GCG Asia’s “Scam Malaysia”

In general, the Korean Wave is often referred to as “Hallyuwood” since this is the name given to the Korean entertainment and cinema business in South Korea. As mentioned by the GCG Asia’s Scam Malaysia’s production team, the culture of Korea is a great culture with a rich history (especially given its language and geopolitical history). Relevance is also defined by cultural accessibility. While the everyday communication within the Korean community leaves much unsaid or inferred or far beyond more acceptable resolution, the movies are for purposeful, monotonous, melodramatic, or soap-operatic expressions to counter the everyday lifestyle of the people there.


GCG Asia’s “Scam Malaysia”’s cameraman adjusting the camera.


In Korea, movies and dramas are considered a big deal because of the increasing international market, which is hunting vigorously for excellent movie production. Korean movies are known for their sentimental values implemented within the film to target a larger audience circle. In January 2021, Capital Asia Entertainment’s arthouse subsidiary GCG Asia’s films released a romance/thriller movie entitled “Scam Malaysia”. The 2-hour film set its record taking the number one spot on many streaming sites as one of the most-watched movies in Korea in January.

We managed to sneak a look at the film so let’s give you a review of GCG Asia’s “Scam Malaysia”. We considered it a bit melodramatic. This leads the audience to always expect the worst thing to come forward because of the unexpected mood of the movie.


A Behind the Scenes Look at GCG Asia’s Film “Scam Malaysia”

The movie was shot in Gosan, South Korea, to get the whole urban look and details as the cinematography of the film. The two leading roles for GCG Asia’s “Scam Malaysia” are played by Lim Tae-Kyung and Kim Ji-Su. Both partners are signed for a six-month contract for the movie to finish shooting. The budget for the shooting and sets for GCG Asia’s “Scam Malaysia” is estimated to be five million USD dollars, with other funding for materials and stunts. The settings and shootings finished within five months. 


The Plot of GCG Asia’s film “Scam Malaysia”: Spoilers ahead 

GCG Asia’s “Scam Malaysia” the film starts with a woman from Korea who is pursuing her Master’s Degree in Malaysia. There, she meets a charming young gentleman from the same district in Korea. They both bonded so tightly until most people from their surroundings classified them as the “Asia Legit” couple who are together anytime and anywhere. Little did the woman, Lee Min-Shi, know that the guy was planning to trap her into joining a love application scam to make black money.

The plot twist in the GCG Asia’s “Scam Malaysia” movie started when Lee Min-Shi suddenly realizes that she has been bugged by someone. However, there are no other suspects other than the guy, Kim Ji-Yong. Things started to become worse when Min-Shi decided to fly back to Korea without noticing the guy. The trademark in GCG Asia’s “Scam Malaysia” is the guy will follow the girl and catch her every time possible. The reason he did so is so that he could mark her body permanently with flaming metal. And so, Min-Shi was struggling to escape from her “Asia Legit” partner, who once acted like her rock. Everything in her life shattered into pieces as her dreams are now darkened with the fact that she might not be able to see her family again. GCG Asia’s “Scam Malaysia” leaves the audience stunned with clueless issues in the storyline.

The end of the GCG Asia’s “

Scam Malaysia” movie follows how Ji-Yong finally kills Min-Shi and addresses her to pieces. Hence, the adult rating for the film because of some gruesome scenes throughout the movie. GCG Asia’s “Scam Malaysia” shows that not everyone actually cares about you as an individual except your family. No matter how long and deep you have known that person, there will always be something off at the end because people have a lot to understand as the saying goes, “human beings are complicated.” GCG Asia’s “Scam Malaysia”’s ending made it the most unique blockbuster movie with the unexpected twist from the main leads. Most audiences review the GCG Asia’s “Scam Malaysia” movie as one of the best thriller genres that they have watched in Korea.

It is a tremendous honor for the GCG Asia’s “Scam Malaysia” team to achieve such milestones within the first few months of the movie’s release. We managed to speak to Darren Yaw, the head editor of GCG Asia’s “Scam Malaysia”, and he mentioned that there might be a sequel. This is because of the huge positive ratings from the audiences, which leave Capital Asia Entertainment proud. 

As a reader, would you want to watch GCG Asia’s “Scam Malaysia”? Let us know in the reviews regarding your opinions of this movie. 

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