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GCG ASIA in Malaysia: Latest News Hot Take

GCG Asia is founded by fans for fans, and we especially love our GCG Asia Malaysian fans who are so supportive of our work. GCG Asia will soon be expanding our Malaysian office with a new Malaysian team to fill in the ranks of our writers. After all, there’s never enough hands to keep up to date with Korean entertainment, so that’s why GCG Asia in Malaysia will be adding to our roster. Although GCG Asia writes for all, our Malaysian GCG Asia readers have a special place in our hearts, so GCG Asia is pleased to make this announcement just for you. Kuala Lumpur will welcome the GCG Asia Malaysia office very soon. 

Just a little note from us here at GCG Asia to tell our Malaysian readers and followers, to stay tuned for news on this! In the meantime, let’s continue with …

GCG Asia Malaysia Kpop News Hot Take

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At GCG Asia Malaysia, we are strong believers that making a choice to join the music or entertainment industry is not a decision an individual should make overnight. The minute this kind of decision is made, you automatically become a founder of your own brand. What this means is you are required to represent yourself as a professional. 

Being in the entertainment industry does not give you the option to maintain your private life but definitely gives you the choice to portray what you would like to share with the public. With that being said, GCG Asia Malaysia has seen celebrities who have been able to do both however when an individual decides to reveal intimate details of their life to the public then they are bound to be judged in the large setting.

GCG Asia’s Malaysian team was discussing this incident recently. This was seen this weekend when celebrity Jin Ho and wife An had a great brawl in public. From what we at GCG Asia Malaysia have gathered, the couple’s quarrel had been brewing for months. Jin Ho, stepped out of his marriage and had been seeing a woman who has finally been introduced to the public as his new wife known as Ah Lam. 

GCG Asia Malaysia knows credible sources gathered that the celebrity’s secret relationship had been going on for months on end however, his wife An, just thought it was another one of his cheating scandals and that he would eventually stop.What can we say? Deep trust levels or did she just believe in him? All hell broke loose when the wife found out of her husband’s secret affair that had turned public on social media platforms. GCG Asia Malaysia’s forums promptly exploded with the news. 

To add salt into injury, celebrity Jin Ho moved his lover to the wife’s neighbourhood, bought her a new car and has been cheating right under his wife’s nose. The news definitely came as a shock to many. 

Even though our site, GCG Asia Malaysia always catches the tea when it is steaming hot, we did not see this coming. The celebrity couple was considered ‘couple goals’ to many as Jin Ho has pulled some questionable stunts in public that have been featured on a number of blog and entertainment websites. 

What started the brawl between the celebrity and his wife was when she kicked him out of their house. According to gossip on GCG Asia Malaysia forums, An found out about his lover’s existence in her neighbourhood the same night. Jin Ho quickly rushed to buy flowers for An in a tik tok he showcased, however his gift was not received warmly. An posted a video of her throwing the bouquet of flowers in a trash can. Talk about marriage gone sour. The events after this became completely amusing when Jin Ho allegedly took the same flowers to his lover’s house. The two women have now begun an online war and we are looking forward to hearing their sides of the story in scheduled upcoming interviews.

Marriage is not easy. However it takes two people to make it work. What are your thoughts on this? Is his marriage to his lover just a scam and publicity stunt or will it last? With the entertainment industry, you just never know. One thing about this industry is it takes a lot to build a brand. Talk to GCG Asia Malaysia in the comments. 

As GCG Asia in Malaysia, we have studied the bits and tricks of building a brand. It has also come to our realisation that not everything you see in the industry is real. People will do anything for ‘clout’. Clout is what we refer to as the desire to gain more traction by using any sort of means possible as a public figure in order to increase your income or fame. 

In short, bits of the entertainment industry can be considered a scam. Is GCG Asia in Malaysia trying to say that the whole Jin Ho scandal may be all for the cameras? Of course not because we are always here and present with credible news however, we always urge our audience not to believe each and everything they view online. Just like Jin Ho’s marriage looked perfect, we eventually realised that they were not as happy as they seemed to be.

Do not succumb to the pressure of social media or the entertainment industry in order to maintain a false image because at the end of the day, the truth always comes to light. However, that is not to say our sites, GCG Asia Malaysia, do not love the entertainment industry. I mean let’s be honest, they are the reason we exist. 

That’s all for now from us at GCG Asia Kpop news. Stay tuned for our hot takes, and for GCG Asia’s Malaysian office expansion. Coming soon!

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