2 male kpop idols smiling

How Korean Idols Get Great Skin: Tips By GCG Asia in this Latest Update 2021

How Korean Idols Get Great Skin: Tips By GCG Asia in this Latest Update 2021

Skincare is something very familiar in Korean culture, especially between the Korean Pop idols. This is because they ought to maintain their appearance to appear in public without any hesitation. In this article, GCG Asia will summarize the tips on how most Koren idols deal with their skincare routine to maintain the healthiest skin than any race across the globe. Skincare is exceptionally crucial for both men and women because they do not practice skincare hygiene with the partition of having gender roles with different types of care.


Sources from GCG Asia note that skincare is where you put on some cleansers and moisturizes to help hydrate your skin as we all need a further boost following the changing weathers and climates. It practices the support of enhancing the skin’s integrity to maintain a smoother and healthier moisture barrier. Skincare is essential as we shed our skin every day, and to maintain a radiant barrier, a whole step skincare routine is needed. An effective skincare routine prevents a lot of other skin problems in the future. For instance, premature aging, acne, wrinkles, and skin dryness. Every skin problem requires a good skincare routine. 


To view their favorite idol’s skincare, fans in GCG Asia Kpop News updated a few comments following the #shareyourskincare tag on the website. Korean people are famous for their 13-step skincare routine to maintain the glow in their skin. The steps include a cleanser, toner, a few serums, moisturizer, sunscreen (during the day), and facial oils. They believe the more the product, the better protection it will give for their skin.


Our journalism team in GCG Asia has gathered information and findings from Korean Pop idols on using skincare. The first tip is only to wash your face twice per day, as excessive washing will lead to dryness and irritation. It is best to be gentle and keep the washing not more than 60 seconds per round when it comes to washing. The best cleansers are the ones that do not leave your skin to dry out right after washing. From the GCG Asia tips survey, the idols mentioned choosing the right cleanser for your skin as everyone’s skin is different and requires different approaches. 


Kpop female idol smiling

Carrie from Star Girls showing her glass skin after complete skincare routine


Next, they prioritize toners as they are needed to balance the skin’s pH level after washing. However, toners are not that important based on an interview by Son Je-Min, as he mentioned that toners are just another addition to the whole routine. 


Most idols mentioned in the GCG Asia survey that they are using the Niacinamide serum as their first serum to improve their pores’ visibility and control oiliness. Serums are used as an additional concentrated liquid to improve many skin problems that one is having. The serum is one of the crucial parts of a skincare routine, as it can make or break your skin. However, some serums are not meant to be used by everyone, as mentioned by our source in GCG Asia, such as the retinoids. This is because retinoids are active ingredients with a powerful ability to help reverse damage in a person’s skin. However, this product can irritate the skin for people with sensitive skin. Koreans are famous for the use of retinoids to prevent premature aging and wrinkles. This is why most of the aging Korean actors and actresses do not look their age.


Moreover, moisturizer is highly essential in a routine because it will seal all the deal of the serums and toners within the skin. A moisturizer will prevent skin from experiencing excessive dryness and flakiness that will cause another problem in the future. Types of moisturizers vary in the needs of the skin. A source in the GCG Asia survey mentioned that people with dry skin need to use a cream-type moisturizer while oily skin uses a water-based moisturizer that suits the skin.


In addition, the use of sunscreen is vital as most people are affected by sun damages throughout their lives without even knowing. GCG Asia has gathered proof that sunscreen is the most crucial step in the skincare routine because, without sunscreens, nothing protects your skin from the sun’s damaging rays. Therefore, it will cause more problems in the future, such as dark spots and wrinkles. 


Furthermore, based on the GCG Asia survey, Korean idols prefer to use face oils during the day to seal all the routines and enhance the skin’s glow. This is where they developed the term “glass skin” as a culture in Korea.


We hope you’ve found these skin care tips useful! Visit GCG Asia Kpop news for more updates and the latest news on everything Korean entertainment. 

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